Periodo 1996 - 2007
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Este es un articulo del periódico Heraldo de Huesca/ This is an article from the Huesca's newspaper "Heraldo" |
En este período desde el Centro de Desarrollo del Somontano (CEDER Somontano) se impulsaron programas de actuación para potenciar el desarrollo del Somontano, a traves de las llamadas "iniciativas comunitarias"
Se trabajaron temas y objetivos
importantes para la Unión Europea: el desarrollo rural, la formación de los
recursos humanos, la cooperación entre las regiones, etc. - Entre 1996 y 2001, el CEDER Somontano elaboró distintos programas de desarrollo, que se complementaban entre sí:
LEADER II para el desarrollo rural
Felix de Azara’ para mejorar la competitividad de las empresas locales y asociaciones
Pymebit para la introducción de nuevas tecnologías en empresas y
Terra Incógnita’ puso en marcha el programa de innovación del patrimonio cultural y del Parque Cultural del río Vero.
Terra Incógnita’ puso en marcha el programa de innovación del patrimonio cultural y del Parque Cultural del río Vero.
- Entre los años 2002 y 2008 gestionó el programa de Desarrollo Rural LEADER PLUS
En este período se subvencionaron más de 140 proyectos de inversión empresariales con los que se crearon 65 nuevas empresas y se generaron 380 nuevos puestos de trabajo y 700 nuevas plazas de alojamiento turístico. Además se realizaron más de 200 acciones formativas, y se rehabilitaron más 70 elementos arquitectónicos singulares.
In this period from
the Somontano’s Development Center
(CEDER Somontano) some action programmes were activated in order to strengthen
the development of the Somontano’s region , through what is called “communitary
They worked on
important themes and objectives for the European Union: rural development, the
creation of human resources, the cooperation between regions, etc.
In between 1996 and 2001,
the CEDER Somontano created different development programmes that ere
LEADER II for the rural development
Felix de Azara’ to improve the
competitivity between local companies and associations.
Pymebit to introduce new
technologies in enterprises
Terra Incognita to initiate the innovation
on cultural patrimony programme and the Cultural Park “Río Ebro”.
In between the years 2002
and 2008 the CEDER managed the programme on Rural Development LEADER PLUS.
From 1996 to 2008, the promoted and managed
programmes by the CEDER Somontano channelled a public subsidy of more than 10
million euros, with which there were created private investments with a value
of around 20 million euros. It means that the total investment was of more than
28 million euros.
In this period
more than 140 projects of corporate investment were financed and with
them 65 new companies were created together with 380 new Jobs and 700 new
places for touristic accommodation. Moreover, more than 200 formative actions
were given and more than 70 singular architectonical elements were remodeled.
Periodo 2007-2013
e En el año 2007, el CEDER Somontano definió un nuevo programa de desarrollo para los años 2007-2013.
Se sigue trabajando con el proyecto LEADER, caracterizado por lo siguiente:
- Enfoque territorial: Se debe adaptar a las características del territorios y aprovechar sus recursos
- Enfoque integrado: se debe planificar, organizar y trabajar con una visión de conjunto
- Enfoque ascendente: de abajo hacia arriba con la mayor participación posible
In the year 2007, the Somontano's CEDER defined a new programme to be developped during the yeras 2007 and 2013.
The LEADER project is still working and it's characterized at the moment for the following:
- Territorial approach: it must be adapted to the territories' characteristics and to get benefit from their resources.
- Integrated approach: it must be planned, organized and it must work with a global point of view.
- Ascending approach: from the ground to the top with the biggest participation as possible.
Periodo 2014-2020
Para este período se destinan 4.237 millones de Euros para LEADER Somontano (1,373 millones de FEADER).
Esta nueva estrategia se llama "DESARROLLO SOMONTANO 20.20"
Se han identificado 45 necesidades ( 24 de carácter general y 21 de carácter específico)
Esta estrategia contribuye a la innovación, conservación del medio ambiente y mitigación del cambio climático y adaptación al mismo
For this period 4,237 million euros are directed to the LEADER Somontano's project (from which 1,373 million are for the FEADER project).
This new strategy is called "Somontano Development 20.20"
There have been 45 necessities identified of which 24 are of general character and 21 of a specific one).
This strategy contributes to innovation, preservation of the environment and mitigation of the climate change and adaptation to it.
For this period 4,237 million euros are directed to the LEADER Somontano's project (from which 1,373 million are for the FEADER project).
This new strategy is called "Somontano Development 20.20"
There have been 45 necessities identified of which 24 are of general character and 21 of a specific one).
This strategy contributes to innovation, preservation of the environment and mitigation of the climate change and adaptation to it.
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